Hair:The Epiphany .Entwined. Leah / Grey Scale (( Avaible @ The Epiphany its a Gacha item))
Head: Catwa Lona bento Meshhead
Skin:Boataom Mainstore BT:Albina"CATWA"Applier(EU)
Eyeshadow: [Skye] Mainstore [SKYE] Datenight eyeshadows CATWA (( This is a Applier for Catwa or Lelutka ))
Lipstick:[Skye] Mainstore [SKYE] Datenight lipstick CATWA (( This is a Applier for Catwa or Lelutka ))
Mouth accessories: Mysterious Forest from 22nd July to 19th August *{( konpeitou )}* BENTO kuti-musubi (( Avaible @ Mysterious Forest 22nd July to 19th August, Its fitted for Bento Head (( Catya, Daniel, Lona)) and a non rig version in the Package...... konpeitou Mainstore ))
Freckles:.Arise. Mainstore .ARISE. Ally Freckles / 2
Neck applier:Applique 15th july to 6th August .Glass Neck Shards_MERCIER (( Avaible @ Applique, Start 15th July ends 6th August))